INCREDIBLE NEW FEATURE ! (with compliments to the weblog Precise): Dear readers and sailormen, a new feature was added to this weblog. It will allow Salty Sea to be read all over the world. It replaces, on the right template, the place occupied by the Blogshares logo (Blogshares cracked down - rest in peace).
This new feature is very user-friendly: in case you wish to translate the beatiful, poetic and deep texts of this weblog from portuguese to english, you just have to click on the Translate button. In case you want to understand what the hell am I writing here, please feel free to click on the Traducao button. One cannot say that the end result is a state-of-the-art translation, but nonetheless it's a serious effort to internationalize the portuguese blogosphere's discussions. I'm not sure if at the end of this process, we'll end up very well in the picture.
I know that our crew is made of experienced men able to express themselves fluently in several different languages. Certainly this new feature will prepare Salty Sea to the challenges of globalization. In pratical terms, this new feature means that our law mogul PC will be able to express its deep legal thoughts on the beatiful and soft language of Goethe, and that our gourmet VLX will be able to share with us his daily experiences on the language of Camus. FNV will certainly enlighten us with new quotes from russian poets, hungarian shrinks and jewish intelectuals, while Neptuno, making use of his divine condition, will be able to express himself in esperanto (I strongly suspect that sometimes he already does it).
My dear sailormen, as an old poet once sang: this is the first day of the rest of your lives.
Mar de opinioes, ideias e comentarios. Para marinheiros e estivadores, sereias e outras musas, tubaroes e demais peixe graudo, carapaus de corrida e todos os errantes navegantes.