LETRAS & BALAS (III):Hanan al-Shaykh nasceu em Beirute, é mulher e foi jornalista. Vive actualmente em Londres onde publica coisas que nem sempre agradam aos "partidários de Deus", como foi o caso do "Women of Sand and Myrrh" ( Quartet, 1998) Leia-se um pedacito do My storie is too long to tell , no original "Hikayati Sharhun Yatool " - retratando um tempo em que os libaneses foram invadido pelos turcos que supostamente os iam libertar do jugo colonial francês... O conto foi traduzido por Roger Allen e publicado no Banipal ( nº24/Outono de 2005).
" Mother had been married to a man from a illustrious family in Nabatiyye that allegedly traced its origins all the way back to the Crusaders. The men in the family were renowed for their valour and for wearing golden gloves. Mother's husband however was a muleteer plying between southern villages in Lebanon and the city of Beirut. The two of them had built the house we live in and had four children. They all live happily together till the First World War started. That created a famine because the ottoman authorities cutt off all supplies and sequestered everything. Locusts chewed up every green in the field, Turkey nationalized all the inhabitants, every single man within its starving domains had to join the army."
Mar de opinioes, ideias e comentarios. Para marinheiros e estivadores, sereias e outras musas, tubaroes e demais peixe graudo, carapaus de corrida e todos os errantes navegantes.