Mar Salgado terça-feira, dezembro 23: GEORGE MEREDITH, SEMPRE:It ended, and the morrow brought the task. Her eyes were guilty gates, that let him in By shutting all too zealous for their sin: Each sucked a secret, and each wore a mask. ( Modern Love, 1862) posted by FNV on 7:09 da tarde # Comments: IN THE scented bud of the morning—O, When the windy grass went rippling far, I saw my dear one walking slow, In the field where the daisies are. We did not laugh and we did not speak As we wandered happily to and fro; I kissed my dear on either cheek, In the bud of the morning—O. A lark sang up from the breezy land, A lark sang down from a cloud afar, And she and I went hand in hand In the field where the daisies are. Padraic ColumContinuação de Boas Festas # posted by Fernando Antolin : 10:51 da tarde Obrigado, caro co-editor:))) # posted by FNV : 11:48 da tarde Enviar um comentário